Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thoughts of this day

One year ago, we got the news of Nicole and Jeff. I had gone to bed early, didn't feel well. Dad called around midnight. So, I was up, wide awake. Gary did try to go back to sleep. I sent a few emails and packed. We took showers and had coffee. We were on the road at about 2:00 a.m., Meggen, too. It is 300 miles. We did stop at my office and left a note, my hand writing was shaky. As we drove we keep focus on the dark and sleepy scenery. We saw a bunch of trucks pulled off the road for a bit of sleep for the drivers. I remember the sea of lights in the Ellensburg area. The sun was rising as we drove through the Yakima valley. I remember thinking, those lucky people, just commuting to work on a normal day.

We arrive at the hospital a little after 7:00. Took Meggen for a short walk and went in. Got the directions to Jeff's room, as we walked towards his room, I see he is in ICU. A extra shot of worry went through me, but kept walking. First, we found Julie in the hall for a big hug. Jeff was getting a x-ray, so had to wait a few minutes. I walked in, held Jeff's hand and just focused on his face with as much love, compassion, courage, I could muster. His eyes welled up, mine too. Neither Jeff or I said a word, there were no words to express feelings. Gary tried to hold his other hand, which was on his injured side of his body switched to his foot.

The day continued on in a bit of a blur. Dad and DA came, Gary and Julie went to Jeff's house and to get Julie's car. I stayed with Jeff, some people came to visit with prayers. We got into a routine, Julie stayed at the hospital overnight with Jeff. I stayed at Jeff's house and Julie would get a break from the hospital, when I arrived. Julie and I lived on yogurt and coffee. We would ask each other , if we had eaten. The answer was always a coffee or a yogurt. Gary and Meggen returned to our home, I used Jeff's car. Julie (a nurse) monitored Jeff's medications, doctors, and treatments. I took care of some tasks for Jeff. I spent time in his hospital room, knitting and thinking I am helping his bones knit. I talked on my cell phone a bunch, I sent emails. Jeff was in the hospital a full week. I took 3 weeks off my work. Julie took a month off her work. It was a flurry of activity, with one of us with Jeff at all time.

1 comment:

Susan said...

There really are no words, only being there. Everyone feels the same emotions.