Monday, December 22, 2008


I did go to work, this morning. As soon as I got to work, I manned the snow shovel, to at least clear some trails from the parking lot. I pushed a patients' stuck car out, too. Otherwise, it was just a regular day at the dental office.
The only holiday baking tradition for me is "Real Scottish Shortbread", recipe from Laurie. It has 3 ingredients, butter (real butter), sugar, flour. One time, when Nicole was here, the debate started, why is it called shortbread? Well, it is not very long or very tall. The end of the debate, Gary and Nicole decided to call it "Tall Bread". I have made a few pans of tall bread, since Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think shortbread (I mean TALLbread) is delicious! I just ate some last night that some people shared with us. It's one of my fave cookies at Christmas time. Go have fun making some TALLbread. Have a merry Christmas.